
Saturday, February 9, 2008

The wrong way to meet your neighbors

So...I am driving home from work tonight, after having a crappy night I might add and I get a hankering for Starbucks...hazelnut hot chocolate. Its cold, it snowing and after the shabby money making evening I just had at work, I thought that some yum yum's would make me feel better (no wise cracks at the emotional eating please, rofl).
So I am turning into the driveway to the Starbucks that is about 3 1/2 miles from my house and I see this car flying up on me...WHACK! She hits me (not super hard though), it kind of felt like a hit from a bumper car. The first words out of my mouth were "son of a bitch, watch where you are going!". These words of course were said on my car as I was circling the parking lot because she turned into the exit only side of the lot.
I get out of my car and she gets out her car and we survey the damage. My bumper is hanging off a little bit and hers is WAY worse. Her light is smashed out, her hood is semi-crumpled up, its super scraped up from hitting my hitch. She asked if I wanted to call the cops, I said no, because I just wanted to get home and the cops are a pain in the ass. We exchanged info.
As I handed her mine, she was like OMG I live on Roseland too. I am like are you serious...where? She tells me and I know the house because it is almost a carbon copy of mine on the other end of the street.
Small fricking world, huh?
So after we exchanged info, I got my hot chocolate and she went home.
The weird part about all of it, is that I was completely unfazed by the whole situation. It was kind of like, ah well. The girl probably thought I was stoned or something because I was all calm about it. But I wasn't, I was just tired and thinking about karma...Is that what I get for teasing the girl at work that smashed her car last week? LOL. Life's a bitch isn't it!


Cathy De Los Santos said...

life's a bitch and so is karma ... that sux. You guys s hould become bff then you'll always have a funny story to tell about how you met LOL.

Kristi said...

We all need our comfort food yo!

I think you just have so much on your plate that a slight fender bender is not the end of the world for you. She was probably freaked cause your car is the shit!